Amber Blaski

Travel | Outdoors | Van Life | Climbing ~ Playing outside somewere!

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My name is Amber Blaski and I'm based in Boulder, Colorado (kinda)! I am living and traveling in a converted bus with my boyfriend, dog and cat, and am traveling the Western US. As an outdoor content creator and travel influencer, I am passionate about sharing and educating my fellow nature-loving friends on all things outdoors. Through captivating story telling, insightful videos, and showing my real day-to-day life on the road, I desire to ignite enthusiasm for embracing the outdoors in all ways - big or small. I am looking for partnerships with brands who value the environment in a way that resonates with myself and my audience. I create content that cultivates, inspires and nurtures the best brands in the industry. My mission is to authentically connect brands with their audience in the most organic way possible.




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