Anna Claire Beasley (Anna Claire)

Cowgirl Mermaid

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Stories are currency in my family. We trade them at the dinner table, around campfires and coffee and long car rides across Texas. “Do you know so and so” becomes a tapestry, a web-weaved, connecting fibers of families across time. One thing I’ve learned is there’s always a connection. Photography has long been the way I add my own voice to that story. I’ve adventured in many landscapes, both on personal trips and client work, and for me, the landscape is no less a character in the story I tell than the person I’m photographing. Sense of place is everything, and I love having the privilege of telling stories in places that mean a lot to me; particularly stories of the West. Growing up in the country and now living in Far West Texas has provided me with a childhood and life that I feel more grateful for with every passing year. I was the little girl who went to the rodeo and dreamt of being a bronc rider. I wanted to be a cowboy before I even knew what any of that meant. In my early twenties, that curiosity and desire for wide open spaces led me to the South Pacific where I fell in love with freediving and my entire life changed. Now, I split my time between my desert home in West Texas and freediving destinations such as French Polynesia, Hawai’i, and Baja. I love finding the common threads between the desert landscape I call home and the far flung beaches that are a siren song, always calling me away. As a Texas girl turned ocean-adventurer, I love partnering with brands that share that itch for what’s out there. Folks who have one foot rooted in Americana and one stepping out into the deep blue. With an embodiment of that lifestyle, I love telling unique and interesting stories that people who share these experiences will connect with.



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